The Digital Divide is a Gaping Hole

As I type this I can hear my son tapping his foot to keep a steady beat as he plays his oboe. I can only hear him, but he can hear the other student in what is his now online chamber orchestra class.

I am so grateful that he is able to continue his learning and yet my heart aches, wondering how my students, our students at our school our fairing. Their learning has not gone digital, as they do not necessarily have the required supplies to go digital; devices and internet.


In my Google Hangout meeting yesterday, we could hear spouses conducting business in the other room and see children come in and out of the camera’s view, waving, smiling and making faces. I think of our families who live in studio apartments, the whole extended family and wonder how it works in their homes. No space to listen or talk in private. And I wonder how it works for the families who are homeless, either in a shelter or transitional housing. I worry immensely.


I know they are resilient, the word we constantly use to describe our families. And they are. They are amazing. I just wish they did not always have no choice but resilience.

4 thoughts on “The Digital Divide is a Gaping Hole

  1. Your observation about how we use resilient to describe families who may be struggling in multiple ways is insightful. Yes, other options besides the need and will to resist hardship would be more than desirable.

  2. Agreed. With every word. It’s not our fault, obviously none of it is, and we’re doing our best since it is, currently, “the future” as far as tech goes. But a big part of it feels like everyone doesn’t get to be included. Not always, but often, those who do not have an online set up at home are the ones who also need the most help. And right now, it’s really hard to provide it. But we’ll do our best. I really appreciate your perspective here. It’s important.

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