Cat Cafe

My kid likes cats. Has always liked cats. Big cats, small cats, really any kind of cat. Like is not strong enough of a word. Loves cats. So the other day, we went to the cat cafe. Really it was an adoption place, that has coffee you can drink. But it also has lots of cafe themed decorations all over the walls. We arrived for our 2 PM reservation, signed the waiver and began looking for cats to pet and love. 


One big white and spotted cat slept calmly atop the cat structure, snuggling with her teddy bear. Ms. Leaf was her name and she let you pet her calmly as she slept. Then there was Kai who responded when I used the cat toy to try and engage in play. A stick with a strip of fleece attached was all I needed to get Kai to jump, run, and attack over and over again. And then there was Miso, hiding, sleeping in a structure, allowing us to pet, ever so gently, sometimes striking out his claws when we ent too far. We wandered from cat to cat, petting, playing, admiring. 


One young man was also enjoying hanging out with the cats along with his girlfriend. Except his girlfriend was not there physically, rather through his phone and Facetime. They oooed and ahhed over the cats together, just as we did. I imagined what separated them; long distance relationship, sickness, could be anything. He carefully went around to each cat, turning the camera around so she could see and enjoy, hear the cats purr when he pet them. Sometimes crouching on the floor, other times holding his phone up high to catch the cats on the tall cat tower. Together, apart they enjoyed their visit to the cat cafe. I was stuck by the tender care he took to share this moment with her for an hour. It was like she was right there beside him, holding his hand, looking from the cat to his eyes, eyes wide with joy. 


8 thoughts on “Cat Cafe

  1. I love how you’ve brought this visit to life–both your experience and the experience of the young man “with” his girlfriend. I feel like you’ve brought us along as well, just like the young man did.

  2. I’m both a cat and dog person, but my oldest son is definitely a cat person, so I can imagine us commiserating at the cat cafe, such a glorious idea, too. Isn’t it time you adopted one of those friendly felines? 😉

    1. I highly recommend visiting a cat cafe. They are in many places. We have a cat at home, but are in a different location for now, so happy to visit the cats.

  3. There’s something very touching in how you move from narrating your visit to observing the young man and his visit. We see the cats but differently, as a point of connection between two people separated yet still connected.

    1. I am glad that came through. I felt the same way. I was beautiful and gave me hope. Thanks for reading a commenting.

  4. So many perspectives offered in this piece. I enjoyed your description of the couple connecting with cats through the screen. Because I’m allergic to cats, this may be the way to experience a cat cafe.

  5. I felt like I was sitting right beside you at the cat cafe! You did a beautiful job capturing how much this young man showed his love and care for his girlfriend.

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